One more day!!!

Ok. Yesterday, I went to pick up Girish, went to their home, went to sainsbury’s from there and then came back home. I made a curry after a long time. Shared the food with Erica. Cleaned my room., Hasnt vacuumed it yet. I’ll do that today.. Went to sleep, Got up early, had a good wash, made toast, and had it with peanut butter.. Its been a long time since I had a proper breakfast. Well I had it today. Filled the balance curry into chapatis, got ready and got to office.. I am enjoying the drive now-a-days. Great feeling. Came to office., I waned to do something to organise my website.. Its not at all proper now.. but I will wait till this weekend. Smuggled out some time to update the site… well added a recepie there. I will have to sort out the site soon. Hell, I have got Java, HTML and a lot of things to learn. Praveen’s mail had come, replied him in detail, informed him of the journal.

Had the normal time-pass in the office and also sorted out many problems. Has to do early shifts next wednesday to friday and have to come early tomorrow.. (if only I dont forget).

Well our office Christmas Party is coming next weekend., and I am looking forward for it. So many things to do. I havent mailed anyone for a long time. I think I should repy each and everyone over the weekend. I was planning to go to Pranita’s house today and it seems that no ones there. I will go home directly and relax.

Jackie had said that I am putting on weight, and she would like to see my slimmer version., as when I came here. Gimme time.. and I will do that as well..

Another day ends..

Another day comes to a close

Came to office today morning, Worked, Spoke to Rashmi, Girish, Sunita. Had lunch. Got mail from Pradeep.. (He’s going great guns!!!)., Ramesh called, Ate from Zakir’s lunch box also, Finished off some important works.. updated jounral occasionally,closed down everything., Girish need some time, so I will stay back some more time., so I am updating journal.. Another day goes..

Waiting for a meaning!!!

Neesha rushed home., Her mother has been admitted to hospital.. Her eyes were filled when she left. The news I have is that, the doctors have to urgently operate on her pancreas..Hope she will get well.

How does it feel, when a near and dear one dies, as ones mom. I tried imagining death of each and every person close to me., and I was not shaken much. I did feel sad, but I could live with it. Accepting death as a natural thing seems to be the most unnatural thing for Humanity. Many dosent want to speak about it at all. Finally I imagined my death., I felt more sad., not because of my death, but for the sadness others will feel at my death. I imagined my death really vividly, My deadbody lying down with my toes of the legs tied together, cotton in the nose and the thumbs tied together. Well, it didnt make any difference to me. I think its all turning out to be a puzzle(meaningless??!!!). I am yet to find any meaning at all with the life. You take birth, study, become a great man, or become a normal man, some leave mark on the history, some dosent., but all die away.. unsatisfied., puzzled.. I am waiting for a meaning to life..(learning???)
Silence again

Days fly by…

Does life ebb away, unnoticed by any one. I feel it happen that way.. Time is not far, when will look back at our life and just wonder, at the way which time has flown past and the way we have “lived”.

Yesterday Smruti had called home for dinner, and drove to her home at Northwood..Well infact I followed her Jaguar. Had good food. From there drove to Mark’s home, to collect my letters. I was really surprised to find that there was no letter for me. Whatever letter he had got for me he had misplaced. Well I cannot accuse him, because I should have collected it long long time ago. Well, what is gone is gone, and then returned home, buried myself into “The Fountainhead” again and went for sleep.. Another day has gone by…

“You’ll be history, even before you realize it”

A Day missed(only for journal)

I missed yesterday(well I am updating using yesterdays date) journaling my entries.. Well nothing specific except, I was horribly busy.. Left in the evening, picked up Zooman(Zubin’s new name) and girish, went to their home, picked Rashmi also and went to Southall for shopping Groceries. Returned, had dinner with them and returned home late and then buried myself into “The Fountainhead” again. (must have slept around 1.30 am today)

Movies.. Movies and Movies..

Saturday night : Started off with
2.ToyStory 2
3.Mission Kashmir
4.Scream 3
5.The Gladiator(Half way through slept)
6.Thalolam (Sunday early morning)
7.The Mummy
8.Stalin Sivadas(Around first 20 minutes)

That weekend can be called a movie weekend.. Sunday morning 12.30 am called up home.. Prasanth, Raja and Mani were there.. Great to hear from them. After the movies, drove back home at around 4.30 evening to London.. Smruti had called up regarding the backup.. Came to Office at around 7.15.. Updated journal..

I feel, my life is getting monotonus.. Well I sometimes enjoy monotony…